Mongolia Horse Trek

Mongolia Horse Trek
  • Duration: 13 Days (approx.)
  • Location: Ulaanbaatar
  • Product code: MON

A wild frontier with a heart of gold.

Level 5: Alpine environments, altitude, rough terrain underfoot, horse riding, camping.

A moderate to demanding trek experience with GirlsTrek is a once in a lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in the mystic and raw beauty of life as a Mongolian Tuvan herder. Riding for 3 days and trekking for 4 days, you perspective of connection to spirit and land will shift learning from these people and their deep acknowledgement of ancient wisdom. The trek experience is fully supported with camels and there will be no need to carry a heavy pack as we make our way over Shivet Mountain. The elevation of the trip will get to 3150m, only 900m higher than Mt Kosciuszko. Imprint your memory for ever in this unique and amazing experience.


  • 13 days Fully hosted experience with GirlsTrek
  • Local Mongolian guides – English Speaking
  • All accommodation: 4* hotel (2 nights), tent (9 nights), local hotel (1 night)
  • Camping including sleeping mats, dining, shower and toilet tents
  • Meals as per itinerary & drinking water
  • Sightseeing fees in Ulaanbaatar
  • Sightseeing, national park fees in the countryside
  • Overland transport
  • Domestic flight Ulaanbaatar – Olgiy – Ulaanbaatar
  • Expedition cook with 1 assistant
  • Horse hire and local guides during horseback riding
  • Pack camels and camel drivers during trekking
  • Australian stock saddles for horseback riding
  • Satellite phone for emergencies
  • Currency fluctuations
  • All accommodation on a twin share basis
  • Small group size travel
  • GirlsTrek gift
  • At home training program
  • Trip specific packing list with expert advice and great discounts
  • Private group chat for messages and photos
  • Information get together online
*You may choose a single supplement at checkout

GirlsTrek trips are graded according to the length of hours out on the trails, the type of trails underfoot and the fitness required to comfortably walk longer distances, on tougher terrain, for several days in a row. 

For our Level 5 trips, we request that you have the following experience/fitness to join:

Experience hiking a multi-day trek in the last 4 years that required you to walk for up to 8hrs per day on undulating terrain

OR Experience hiking 2 x  GirlsTrek Level 3 or 4 trips in the past 4 years. 

AND 4-5 hours a week of regular consistent exercise that involves hiking / running or fast walking.